Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Was following Ruchika's case from last few days. Some opinion demands that Mr. Rathore, the cop, should be punished as hard as possible, and even the school who expelled her. A very disgusting and shameful episodes of act by those whoever supported that devil. Was also following the democratic drama of our law system who is struggling to punish a terrorist who had murdered number of innocents not in a four walls but under the blue sky after over a year. I was reading the comments below this news, must say our society still not cultured to be made public. People asking to murder him, shoot him, burn him and what not ways of being nothing else but being a terrorist in ourselves too!

Why do we punish? Do we punish to take revenge or do we punish to create fear? I perceive we punish to reinforce. We punish to make sure that it shouldn't be repeated in future. When mother punish her child the objective is and should not be the wrong act in itself but the learning, that it is not accepted and shouldn't be repeated. And realization make the culprit guilty not the punishment, and if its punishment, then its harmful for both. Fear can only stop you, cant correct you. I believe the realization is much healthy than the fear of punishment. Because we always remember our realizations but not surely our punishments. Fear is a paracetamol which can cure your fever but not the disease in itself.

I am not at all saying that culprits and terrorists shouldn't be punished or hanged, they should be punished as per our judiciary system but we should make this as an example of realization rather making it an example of fear or threat. Its healthy sometime to cut our some part of body for a healthy life.

"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." - Albert Einstein


  1. This is a very interesting topic and I am sure there are more than one way of perceiving it. Surely realisation is the key to eradicating a problem but then how do we attempt to bring about the realisation? Punishment can abstain a person from commiting the crime but then we are not sure whether its the fear or the realisation which is the driving force behind choosing the virtuous path.
    The biggest worry is how do we bring about the realisation without some order or fear?

  2. I really dont know but I believe in feelings negative and negative dosent make a positive, its not a maths. And rather making the world a better place lets make ourselves better.
