Again a nice movie by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and very well acted by Aamir Khan. May call it sequence of Taare Zameen pe! A really nice and required social message to parents. I have seen the victims of such bringing and values, I am fortunate to have a wonderful father who always said its not everybody's job to be a doctor or an engineer, even pan walla do a job and he was ready to proudly accept a pan walla son also. He always allowed me make my own mistakes so that I can learn on own, guess thats what make me today what I am, thanks dad. Its really suffocating and sad that parents pass on their wish list as a duty to their kids.
Well about movie I would first like to talk about my choice of cinema. I generally prefer parallel cinema, which is practical and real over main stream or commercial cinema which is more of drama and fantasies. I really like the plot of movie and Vidhu V. Chopra who is great in mixing up the two, parallel and main stream cinema. What conflict with the movie is its definition of success. I perceive the movie in beginning has asked to compare success with happiness rather than statistics of account data or in movie language the race. They said we are racing to win rather than just enjoying the race. I remember my cricket coach who taught me, dont play to score, play to just enjoy and runs will come on own. Though I didnt won the race but I enjoyed. And thats what my success is. I really improved a lot with that thought, I didnt become Tendulkar but Kunal for sure. Even the movie has given the same thought but at end when Chotu (the real past of Rencho) again become a Phunsuk Wangdu (with 400 patents, and a statistically successful scientist) then guess it again calculated the success in the same meter of quantity rather than quality of being happy. I would have been much happy if the Chotu would have remain just a teacher with the pride of educating young ones with new, unbiased and non comparative education system. That itself is an success. But I guess thats what make it a main stream cinema and so a widely acceptable ending.
"If you focus on result you will never change, but if you focus on change you will get the result." -Jack Dixon.
I just wanted to point out..as it said if you aim at perfection success will follow..the guy aimed at exactly that..so Chotu just loved what he was doing and the patents just followed as the result.
ReplyDeleteBut you always not need to be a hero or winner of the race. Or else you will be a competitor rather than participant.