Friday, January 1, 2010

Remake of 3 idiots

I really enjoyed the movie a lot especially the speech by Chatur and definition of book by Rencho. But there were few scenes where the movie seemed too unreal and direct. I felt the movie has theme of, chase excellence and success will follow. A great idea to build on but my curiosity was of just success. Not how to achieve it but what is it. And I perceive meaning of success is very subjective rather than objective.

So if I have the opportunity to remake the film, 3 idiots then would like to bring few changes. Like, not showing suicide as reality, though it is but still my idea of cinema is to inform to motivate. In Rang de Basanti also they shot the minister and then his dad, which was too much for me. I didnt like the movie at all. Especially the way they ended. I believe if one has opportunity to speak to mass then better it be motivational, simple or non ambiguous. Violence is not the solution to any problem, the movie also said the same at last but what was the point to be murderers than. I like the movie, Yuva. It has a message, practical and an unambiguous path to improve or betterment. Same with 3 idiots, we know students are committing suicide and even if some are not aware than also it would have been better that they would have just inform rather then showing some one attempting suicide. I agree it brings drama and seriousness, and also work as an eye opener to their targets, parents and teachers, but it was too naked. Because by showing suicide you may motivate parents to stop it but you may also end up motivating a depressed student to think of it as an option. Though it was unjustified in the movie later but a depressed student may get convinced with just suicide part, as he may not convince his parents like the movie stars did.

Another change as I said in my earlier post will be with definition of success. Winning a race doesn't mean to stood first always. Its the fun and experience thats what matter, if you have really enjoyed the race than thats much enough to survive in market. In my story Rencho wont stood first but the Swamy (from Uganda) will stood first. Let him have the best job and package, thats what success for him is. And let Rencho be just Chotu not a scientist Phunsuk Wangdu with 400 patents. Let him be happy with his thought of education passing to new generation with not comparison but being individually competent. Thats what success for him is. My definition of success could vary from yours. And if one perceive to stood always first is success then for them I remember a Sufi story whose moral is, a blind man whose wife is ugly, better remain blind forever. My English Professor also taught me this, either you wake early or you don't wake up at all. She meant its better to realize as early as one could or else it will be too late to realize at an old age. So its better to not realize late and cursing whole life, when you can't change anything. Else its better he remain blind to the rest of his life, and end up in peace.

If you play with an aim of being Sachin or captain of your team you will end up nowhere, but if you will play for that cracking sound and that touch of perfect contact and timing you might be ahead of Sachin Tendulkar. The way he did, earlier it was Don Bradman, now its him tomorrow it could be us.

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